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5 Skills Every Virtual Manager Needs to Succeed

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"5 Skills Every Virtual Manager Needs to Succeed"

With practice, you’ll get comfortable with the basic skills needed to be effective in your new role

Being a virtual manager comes with a whole new set of challenges you’ve never been trained for. Beyond your own work, you’re now charged with helping others succeed and develop to help meet your organization’s goals without being face-to-face with them. The truth is that being a virtual manager requires its own new set of skills to be learned, so a manager can lead their people and organization
to success.

As a manager of people, you are tasked with developing your team. You will need to plan and organize the work to be done as well as coach others and manage conflict. To navigate this in a virtual and remote world is an even bigger challenge.

How can someone be an effective manager when they are not face-to-face with their team?

The good news: With practice, you’ll get comfortable with the basic skills needed to be effective in this role. In this download, we’ll cover the 5 essential skills you’ll need to succeed.

Offered Free by: American Management Association
See All Resources from: American Management Association

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